Lots of care and attention are de most important things for the education of your puppy. The result will be, years of good health and sociability for both the owner and the pup. You can not leave a dog alone (for sure not a puppy) on a daily bases from nine to five. A pup always wants to be with you, so, in the first months you have to teach the pup that there are some hours on certain days that he has to be alone. If the pup does his best reward him , than he nows what he must do and you get a dog who trusts you.

The first days and weeks after his birth are very important for a dog. The mother bitch teaches the pups all kinds of things. There are times to sleep, times to eat and times to play with the other pups. A new home is a big change for a pup. The best thing to do is let the pup live in his nest scedule. 'IMPORTANT' GIVE HIM HIS PERIODES OF REST. Further on you have to put the pup outside in the garden (every day a few times) for a piddle, when he does give him a reward.

If the pup goes out with you, be carefull. Don't let him play with other dogs untill a week after his last puppy vaccination. Don't let the pup in to the open sun, you always have to give the pup the possibility to go into the shadow. NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG ALONE IN THE CAR DURING SUMMERTIME. In a car, even when it is in the shadow, it can be a sauna in a few minutes. With al consequences for you. Take care that the dog always has fresh water.

When you pick up the pup do it the right way, with two hands. Do not pick up a pup with one hand or at it's front legs. When you put the pup down do it with care en don't let him jump out of your hands. When the pup drives with you in the car, you can do many things to teach the pup to take it easy in the car. You can put the pup in a travelbox. Or the pup goes in the back with the family. The quicker he learns how to behave in the car, the better for you and the pup. When the pup is free on the backseat and a accident occurs, he will be launched as a rocket.
A healthy pup is in good condition and not to fat. Take care the pup gets good food. If the pup doesn't eat the food at the time you give it to him, take it away, or else you get a dog that eats whole day.

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Dwergschnauzerkennel Uit De Vennen